Saturday 12 September 2015

Features of a Magazine

The 4 'F's of a Magazine Design

1. FORMAT: This determines the whole look of the front cover including the logo, cover lines, size of the magazine, department headers and other things that keep the same copy of the magazine conventional. Magazines are kept conventional in order for them to be recognized by regular readers.

2. FORMULA: This is the editorial content- what's in the magazine. The types of articles and what their length is and where they should come in the magazine- the back or towards the front. This all has to be considered and contributes to the formula.

3. FRAME: The frame consists of margins, gutters and standard size for pages. Once margin sizes are decided, it is usually kept the same from issue to issue.

4. FUNCTION: The function is the purpose of the magazine- what is theme, message, target audience etc. And also what is it trying to achieve.

The Front Cover

  • Masthead (title, logotype, logo or name plate)- Must be especially done to be unique therefore recognisable.
  • Date line- Date of publication and the price. A monthly magazine is usually released the month before the cover date. 
  • Main image- Usually one model with a close up face making full eye contact.
  • Model credit- The photographer and model is sometimes done on the contents page as well.
  • Cover lines- The amount of cover lines has increased over time because of competition from other magazines, they have to be the most interesting. Also they most avoid touching the model as the colour blending makes them difficult to read.
  • Main cover line- This is usually the largest text and must stand out compared to the other cover line.
  • Left third- The left third of the magazine is vital for sales in shops where the magazine is not shown full-frontage. The title must be easily recognisable in a display of dozens of others. the start of the masthead is important here, as are short cover lines that are easy to read. The top fifth of the cover is usually dominated by the masthead may be vital part in the supermarkets, where magazines are displayed differently.
  • Bar code- In bottom right or left corner.
  • Selling line- Setting out its editorial philosophy. Short, sharp and catchy.

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