Saturday 3 October 2015


 There are loads of different kinds of genres in music but the two that stand out are Pop and Rock. Both of which convey different ideas that contrast. Ideology affects representation and the juxtaposition of the associated cultures of these music genres allows to make a distinction in our personal choices of style and emotional expression.


Rock music conveys the idea that rebelling against the rules is 'hip' and 'cool' and will therefore get their fans' attention and make more profit. Even though they 'don't care whether or not people like their music.' They're aim to get rich. Rock stars are known for doing drugs, sex and breaking the law; so rock is aimed specifically to an older audience. Rock doesn't necessary aim to influence people yet they 'make' people. Rock has been the origins of strength for many social movements, an example would be 'Pussy Riot' a Russian feminist punk rock protest group based in Moscow. The Rock scene was also the background of the LGBT liberation, shattering stereotypes and producing iconic figures of rebellion and non-conformity.


Pop music is presented to be child friendly however when analysing their conventions and ulterior motives we learn that Pop is manipulative and purposefully aspires to influence young minds. They also want to make profit so they make up a materialistic image of themselves to the public while trying to maintain their private life in order to keep their audience infatuated with them, therefore they are seen as good role-models. Pop uses this status in media such as magazines to exploit opportunities; creating new beauty standards suggested by celebrities which are usually unhealthy e.g: craze dieting. This 'advice' hooks adolescents attention, causing them to be involved in a viscous cycle of  purchasing artists music, then magazines with that celebrities advice that makes them feel bad about themselves consequently making them buy the pop music again that comforts their insecurities.

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