Friday 2 October 2015

Deconstruction of a Double Spread

This double page spread comes from the music magazine, 'Q.' The massive red 'L' immediately grabs the reader's attention emphasized by the dull black and white. The colour red suggests love and sex which links to the seductive Lady Gaga on the left. This water mark is conventional especially to 'Q' as they always use the first letter of the artist's name in the background and have a black and white model on the neighbouring page. I love this idea and will use it in my own magazine. This conventional double spread means Q's will be expecting this double spread every week of their latest 
artist therefore Q have regular customers and make more profit.
 The text used is sans-serif therefore it looks more like a proper article. The sans-serif font can communicate tradition and sophistication which shows it is aimed for an older audience and the fact Q is famous for its articles about the latest artist. Also the fact it shows tradition informs the reader that these articles are consistent and conventional to this magazine so they are more likely to buy the next copy for the next article.
The house style for this spread is very simple with one page dedicated to a mid shot of Lady Gaga and the other is purely text giving a simplistic, formal mood for the reader. Lady Gaga is presented in a sexual way revelling more amount of flesh than appropriate which is seen as appealing by men and gets their attention however can be sending the wrong message about women being objects. It appeals to female audience through Lady Gaga's actual music. The clothing and style she has conveys her music genre, Pop. The industrial chains and dark make up she has juxtaposes with her petite, elegant figure symbolising the contrasts in her personality.

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