Thursday 17 September 2015

Research Methods

We first discussed what primary and secondary research was.

Primary Research

Primary research is gathering your own information that does not already exist. We can do this by telephone interviews, surveys or questionnaires etc. Primary research is good because  it is your own and unique and it means you aren't plagiarising so I will definitely use as much primary research as possible in my music magazine project.

Secondary Research

Secondary research consists of research someone else has written and is not your own. We can do this by using the internet, books or newspapers. In my project I'll put all my findings in my own words or at least reference the original source.

We next brainstormed different research methods, primary and secondary;

Quantitative Research 

This is research that is numerical, patterns and trends that may even be presented as a graph. For example, questionnaires will result in answers that can be presented in a pie chart, for example 'Which front cover do you like best?'

Advantages                                                            Disadvantages                                                             
-It is quick and easy questions to                          -People may not answer honestly if asked on paper
 answer.                                                                 -People may not bother answering the questions
-Good way to answer decisions you                     -You can't get detailed answers or opinions and  
 cant decide yourself.                                              suggestions to improve the front cover
-Can easily find out what is popular                     -The wrong target audience may be asked
 and what is unpopular to the public

Qualitative Research 

This is based on opinions, thoughts and feelings about the questions which can provide you with suggestions to improve your idea and develop it for the public. For example an interview with a focus group can provide you detailed responses.

Advantages                                                              Disadvantages                                                           
-This can help you develop and improve                -Going through detailed answers and questioning  
 your original idea and make it better for                 will take a long time
 the public
- Answers that are supported with opinions
 can help solve problems and prompt you
 with new ideas.

 Examples of Primary and Secondary Research Methods

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