Thursday 8 October 2015

Attracting an Audience

In order to get my audience's attention, my magazine will have to stand out. I am thinking about the layout, content, images and colour...


  • A main headline and article to attract the readers and make them want to read this magazine.
  • Gossip and articles on the latest artists- However, I'll have to be a bit different as my magazine is about past artists so I could do articles about what they are up to now, past interviews they have had with the press and general stories they have had about them from the past and how they over came them.
  • Competitions people can enter to win things like concert tickets or instruments- In my case, maybe tickets to tribute bands or vintage merchandise etc.
  • Fashion- What do artists where or what was the fashion but in the 60's- flower power, rockers, mods.
  •  Album releases- So this could include old advertisements from when classic albums were first released.
  • Free-bees- CDs with a few songs on them, badges etc.
  • Quizzes/ puzzle page


  • Format- The logo, cover lines, size of the magazine, department headers and other things that keep the same copy of the magazine conventional. I'm thinking of keeping the same sort of colour scheme throughout my magazine like the watermark if needed on it.
  • Frame- Margins, gutters and standard size for pages. Once margin sizes are decided, I am going to keep it the same from issue to issue.
  • The title and logo will have to be catchy and easily recognisable for the audience to keep buying it every week.
  • Colour- I want to use three main colours so it doesn't look too much but I still want to make it eye catching so I'm thinking of using complementary colours such as green and red or purple and yellow or blue and orange with either black or white. This was inspired by my magazine deconstruction, Florence.


In order to get an idea of what the public are attracted to in a magazine, I conducted a survey of what people in my target audience are looking for between the ages of 16 and onwards. I asked five questions but I didn't give them any multiple chose questions (except 5) because I didn't want to restrict their ideas.

1. What is your favourite genre of music?
  • Indie
  • Classical
  • Rock
  • And two for Pop
2. What do you look for in a magazine?
  • Album releases
  • Famous people- gossip
  • free bees
  • Tour dates
  • History
3. What page do you go to first in a magazine?
  • Two people read from start to finish
  • Posters
  • Gossip
  • Interviews
4. What do you want in the content?
  • Two said posters
  • Gossip
  • Fashion
  • Up-coming artists
  • Different genres
  • Stories/articles
  • And one person suggested a death page of artists
5. Cluttered or Uncluttered?
  • Cluttered- 7
  • Uncluttered- 3
I found that doing this survey helped me come up with more ideas especially for the content.

1 comment:

  1. Harriet, the depth of research you are undertaking is great and your brainstorm of genres is the best I have seen! Really good- maintain this level of detail and apply what you learn to your own and others' work.
