Monday 5 October 2015

Target Audience

We  started to consider who would be the perfect buyer for our magazines. We started to consider things such as:
  • Mass or niche audience- a large variety of people or a small group. Mass.
  • Age- this can depend on the contents of the magazine e.g. vocabulary etc. And would this be a board selection of people or more specific. According to the National Relationship Survey, 73% of British adults 15 or over buy magazines online or in print. So it would be easier to choose an audience in this category. People roughly between 40 and 70 or anyone else interested in classic bands and want to understand past music.
  • Gender- does this even matter or apply to your magazine? What gender is more likely to purchase magazine? It doesn't matter as much because there is more than one genre, it's more about what year of music they like. 
  • Interests- Obviously music, but what genre. What else does your audience like e.g. fashion, festivals, concerts etc. Maybe old fashion from the 60s like rockers or mods. Any good tribute bands on.
  • Lifestyle- what is their current situation with school, employment, retirement. Employed or retired. 
  • Socio-economic group- ABC1? C2DE? However I think this sort of  category system is outdated now and doesn't really matter what class the audience is as long as they can afford to buy the magazine.
  • Western culture- As my magazine is being published in the UK, so they'll have disposable income to spend on luxuries (magazines.)
  • Penumbra effect- people who aren't in your target audience. Anyone who isn't interested in classic bands such as Queen, Beatles etc. However I do wish to bring them to present as music now a days is just bad singing and synthesisers (in my opinion.)
  • Psychographics- I want to for all but I think the people who will be most interested will be...  Are resigned that seek survival, interested in past and tradition. Also explorers who are usually students however are interested in new cultures and investigating new things but new to them. So they may be interested in past music. 

After considering all these points I've decided on my target audience. My magazine is about past bands that were popular back in their day and age which are almost forgotten now a days but hopefully my magazine will be a success so enough to bring them back to this day and age. Magazines are getting less and less popular as more younger people such on the internet to find out what's going on with their favourite band however the older generation don't but used to rely on music magazines to see what was in the charts every week so will hopefully start reading magazines again. After some field research this target audience hasn't been considered in magazines so will hopefully be unique and popular. Therefore this magazine will give people something to look forward to each month for something to reminisce and learn about. My persona is colour coded as RED above.

As my magazine is being published in the UK and we are a western culture I started to look into Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy Needs. I thought it would also be interesting to investigate why people want to buy magazines.

 Living now in this modern day and age, most of this is already achieved however I find it a bit dated how one has to achieve these things in order. Buying magazines is in self-actualization.

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