Wednesday 30 September 2015

Deconstruction of a magazine


This magazine is firstly, clearly a conventional one for having an attractive model for the front cover. This headshot is centred in the middle making eye contact with the reader making a connection with them. Also the massive 'Q' in the top left corner makes it obvious for regular readers that this is the magazine for them. 'Q' refers to the 'cue' on a record player carrying on the theme that this is a music magazine. The title 'Q' makes a short, snappy and catchy title for people to remember. This made me think more about magazine titles for my one, to keep it music related. The text is all san-serif meaning this is an up to date, modernized magazine with the latest gossip. However the text inside the logo is serif but conveys the idea that this magazine has history and has been around for a while and is still in fashion.

 The three main colours are white, orange and blue, the design uses these main colours so they don't over do it on the readers eye and it looks more professional. The orange and blue are complementary so contrast with each other; this makes the magazine stand out more amongst the other hundreds of magazines in the shops. this is important because the purpose of them is to make profit however there are other magazines with the same idea e.g. NME, Top of the Pops etc. Also the orange background supplies the cover lines with a good dark background to put white text over making the text more readable to the audience and they stand out more.

 The main cover line is the largest and most bold showing its significance compared to the rest of the cover lines. This will get the target audience's attention with the latest article. The quote "I feel so alone" is in the font serif to show that it is a quote and not just any old line. Also the fact that this famous, successful singer feels isolated will grab the reader's attention.

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