Thursday 1 October 2015

Deconstruction of a contents page

The layout is simple and easy to understand for the reader so they can easily find the articles they want from the cover lines they've read. The cover story continues to be emphasised by the fact it is separated from the other articles through it's own sub-title, 'COVER STORY.' 
This inspires me to emphasise my cover story but through different devices like the font size or through different colours.
The obscurely angled body shot of the model is the focal point to this page from the use of red, the eye contact he has with the reader and the intense white shine on his face. This grabs the reader's attention and is unusually emphasised through the use of 3D on the picture; it looks as if the man is standing on the page. This technique is effective as it is unique and I haven't seen it used on a contents page before.
I especially love this use of depth to the page and will try to incorporate it into my magazine.

The colour scheme to this page consists of three main colours: black, red and yellow. The black stands out the most compared to the muted yellow and red so certain words and props stand out. Such as the titles of articles, the 'MOGO' title and the bow-tie, shoes and handkerchief in the man's pocket. Having the black stand out makes the significant aspects more readable also intensified by the bold effect on the text.

The different uses of text and fonts separate the headlines from the quotes from the detail. The serif font is used in the quote to show this is someone's voice and not just a subheading and it is easier to identify what is quote and what is text. Sans-serif is used because it is easy to read and is also seen as more modern and trendy than serif.


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