Tuesday 20 October 2015


My target audience is people between the ages of 40 and over therefore I asked them these following questions. However I think my magazine will have the penumbra effect so people in my age group that like old music will read it or people who need to do some research on classic music will buy it therefore I also asked younger people if they like retro music and if so, I asked for them to answer the questionnaire.


Do you prefer;
Cluttered- 1
or Uncluttered- 7

Camera Shot

What do you prefer on a front cover
One person-4
or a Group- 4
and do you prefer them to be a
Facial close up- 2
Mid-shot- 5


What 3 colours do you prefer for a music magazine
Red- 7
Green- 0
Black- 6
White- 3
Purple- 1
Yellow- 0
Blue- 1
Orange- 1


Do you prefer
Serif- 4
Sans-serif- 3


Which title do you like best
Amplify- 2
Record player- 1
Rewind- 4

I did some qualitative research therefore I wanted the most accurate responses possible so I went up and asked people in person. If emailed or given a piece of paper they may not return it or even answer it. Also they may not answer properly and take much care so I thought it was the easier, quicker option. I also heard people's thoughts and opinions which really helped me, someone said they didn't like the title, 'Record Player' because it sounded too much like the already existing music magazine, the 'Record Collector.' This immediately put me off that title as I want to be unique but still stick to convention.
There are obvious trends in these results such as the three colours; black, white and red, and the layout being uncluttered but there are also quite mixed reviews such as Fonts and Camera shots. Therefore I will experiment with various ideas for covers and fonts and make them pick between options and try to find a clearer answer.

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