Thursday 12 November 2015

Are music magazines doomed?


 Regular weekly and monthly magazines have dwindled. Less and less people buy magazines and they are then slowly dying off. They then rely on their faithful audiences, 'fifty quid blokes' going to WHSmiths every week to keep them alive. But when this generation dies, what will happen to music magazines?

 And if people buy magazines to get information about their favourite band why buy it in a magazine when you can find it on the internet in a matter of seconds. In this day and age people don't want to be driving or walking to town to buy a magazine when they can simply type it in on google. In my opinion I would also type it into google however, it is only because I haven't found a music magazine that I like and will buy every week but otherwise I would.

 Devices such as ipads and kindles and other technology is directing us away from paper altogether therefore magazines and books will become extinct. Instead of book illustrators it is now all about graphic design. With phones in our pockets what is the need to go down to the shops for a music magazine while the information is just in your pocket.

 Magazines are also quite pricey which I have found annoying as well. However with more people getting this information online magazines are forced to higher the price because they need high sales to stay in business.


 People said that when TV came about, people thought that cinemas would go out of business and shut down. Or people thought as breakfast TV started, it was thought that radio was doomed but these things carried on and survived. Music magazines might just be another one of these stories.

 Every year £2 billion of magazines are purchased and 2.6 million are sold every day in the UK. Diane Kenwood in TimeUK quoted that "They're read by 87% of the British population.' So according to statistics magazines are far from 'doomed.'

 People also don't want to subscribe online to newspapers or magazines because it still costs to subscribe.

Steve Auckland from Metro publishing said "90% plus of our money is coming from print." He said in publishing.

 In my opinion music magazines aren't doomed, everyone thought that cinemas were doomed and this is another one of those scares. I think just because the younger generation aren't that into magazines doesn't mean they are all doomed, and maybe as they grow older they will mature into buying magazines. Also the fifty quid block buys music magazines so he can revisit past music so maybe when the younger generation grow older they will also buy music magazines to look up the music of today in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Good- but try to develop your own responses- we are really looking for your views on these issues. Make sure you have an opinion.
