Thursday 12 November 2015

Cover Draft

Evaluation of my first front cover draft

  • So far I like the model image and the conventions I've conveyed as told in the Prezi.
  • The few text that is on there surrounds the model and doesn't cover the model.
  • The title sits behind the model.
  • The colour scheme is obvious and easy to point out what are the three main colours- beige, black and white.
  • I also like the unique stage of the model being 'in action' and the retro over lay.
  • The main cover line is too small in size and I have gone off the font.
  • The selling line is not readable and not noticeable enough which I will definitely have to alter.
  • I also need to add in the little things such as the issue number, release date, freebees etc. to make this look more like a magazine.
  • I'm not so sure about the shadow and size of the masthead but I'm happy with the font.

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